We'd love to keep you up to date with our latest offers - we frequently offer discounts, free gifts and other special promotions that you can add on to your order.
You can opt to receive these offers via:
- Phone
- Social media
- Postal mailings
... or any combination of the above!
You can check your current preferences by going to the Contact Preferences section of your online account.
If you'd like to opt out of receiving these offers, all you need to do is go to the above page and switch them off.
Just a couple of things to be aware of if you're opting out:
- Emails should stop within 48 hours, but if you have an active account with us you'll still receive service emails (order confirmations etc).
- We may still use your phone number to contact you regarding deliveries.
- Our paper mailings are prepared in advance, so it may take up to 4 weeks for them to cease completely. There is still a small chance that you'll receive non-targeted marketing if we decide to send out leaflets to a particular area/postcode – individual addresses cannot be excluded from this.
You can opt back in at any time by going back to the Contact Preferences section.